Strength Circuit Mon/Wed/Fri 9:15am (All levels welcome all the time!) Strength Circuit classes are a tried and true method to attain strength, build muscle mass and increase metabolism. If you want a great way to stay in shape or a great method of cross-training for your sports or leisure activities this is the ENERGIA signature class for you! Trainer Alicia Fennell takes you through a circuit of traditional and creative exercises to target all your needs in a timed circuit. This is a great way to move forward at your own pace. The combination of aerobic and strength training with and without weights and other apparatus will help you on your path to a great routine to gain energy and longevity. (ALICIA is trained in Third age fitness and has post re-hab experience and certification in knee, shoulder, lower back and hip.)
Capoeira Capoeira is a Brazilian Martial art which combines a series of kicks and strikes with a series of escapes and acrobatics. A disciplined Capoeira practitioner will find themselves gaining strength and flexibility rapidly. The capoeira base consists of lunges, squats, animalistic core integrated movement and inversions which challenge your planes of motion. Capeoira is a well kept secret that many other counrties in the world have unleashed! In Brasil Capoeira is the second most popular sport next to Soccer! Come and try a class to see what the hype is all about! For more info visit
KIDS & ADULTS CLASSES! Every Tues/Thurs 6pm + extra classes announced each month!
Drop-in $25 Monthly, bi-annual and yearly subscription available
Academy 133 5th st Courtenay Mon/Wed/Fri 6-7:30PM (Alicia) For more info and to Register for Capoeira by clicking link below
Inhale the forests of Comox Exhale freedom Get your group of up to 4 people together for a great workout!!! up to 4 people for 1, 2 or 3 months committment 2 days per week is required.